Farewell to Regina
Regina came to St. Martin de Porres House of Hope in 2003 as resident to recover from addiction. After completing our program in 22 months, she joined the CARA Program for job training.
“After finishing the CARA Program in 2005, Sister Therese was in need of a Cook and offered me the position,” Regina told us. Two weeks ago, Regina was offered a new job and telling her co-workers who she refers to as family was very difficult.
“This is my second home. I learned a lot here. I got off drugs here and changed my life. I believe God guided me to St. Martin’s.”
More challenging then telling her co-workers was for her to tell Sister Therese that she was leaving, the woman Regina refers to as her mom. “Sister Therese took me and my kids in and allowed us to live here, without knowing me, not many people would do that.”
Regina was surprised when she was offered a new job, she didn’t believe she would ever find work elsewhere because of her past. In addition to moving on to a new career opportunity, she is in the process of furthering her education.
Although, Regina may be moving on to a new job, she plans to remain active at St. Martin de Porres and wants to resume the Alumni Program. We wish her all the best in her new journey.